Wednesday, August 26, 2015

This can only end in tears...

This week started off pretty badly. A wave of homesickness crashed over me as I got up Monday morning, and I desperately wanted to crawl back into bed, call teleporters into existence, and flee for the familiarity of home.

And of course that did not happen.

There was no reason for the homesickness to be there, other than the obvious reasons. Monday was a struggle, a humbling struggle. I shared some of my thoughts with my prayer group that morning which the talking helped a lot. But I was on the verge of tears for most of the morning.
I had morning duty and headed down to my spot. One of the cutest second graders in the world was already there sharing her sweet smiles with non-morning people. She walked right up to me, arms wide, and hugged me.
Those times that the child is the one giving comfort have become more and more in my Korean experience. It was one of the moments that makes me glad to be in Christian education. This girl didn't know what I was going through, but knew she was in a place where people loved on each other and hugging is a norm.

I was reminded of something my mom told me in high school and it definitely applies, "Take it all one day at a time." It's a very biblical idea- Matthew 6 says that each day has its own troubles and evils. Seek God's kingdom first and everything else will be added and fit in the right place.

So I'm taking a deep breath and trying to remember that wisdom Mom incorporated and is thoroughly applicable here.

It's all one day at a time. God is God of the yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows. He is God forever.

Sometimes I get distracted and lose my vision for what and why I do what I do. Paul says in Colossians 1 that he toils and strives for the advancement of the gospel, but that he does it in God's energy, God's power. He says in Philippians 2 that it is GOD who works in us to will and to do of HIS good pleasure. To Timothy Paul wrote that toiling and striving where only possibly because of WHERE and WHOM our hope is set on. It's not on my faithfulness; I would never keep it going. I can't do it. Our hope is to be set on the living God. {1 Tim. 4:10}

One day at a time. Hope set on God.   Repeat.

The prayer partner group I'm in with Erin and Rachel

My fab four working hard! 

One student was very single minded when it came to demonstrate sentence writing abilities. 

I tried to sneakily take this guy's picture, but he caught me and posed. He was on stilts and passing out flyers for some store. Very common to see someone dressed this way advertising. 

One of my former students who remarked this week that she found pictures of me where my eyes weren't open. I told her that that was pretty normal for me, so we took a picture where I did have mine open. :) 

 Some of the sights in my neighborhood. I walk toward the church building on my way to school. The building with the fish greets me as I return home. The yellow sign in front of the fish is a blow up ad for a indoor driving range which is across the street from my apartment.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Year 3 coming at me

That title seems ludicrous. It really feels like I just got to Korea. Where has the time gone? I'm amazed that I can say I'm starting year 3.

Yes, I like it here. Yes, it's challenging still but getting more and more familiar even with things being in a foreign language. Yes, I get homesick- terrible homesick sometimes.

My students are great; small classes but what teacher is going to be griping about that?
I have four students this year; had five last year who were fantastic. I'm designating these four this year as the Fab Four. Maybe I'll introduce them to a Beatles song here or there. Last year's class had a girl who was really into the Beach Boys.

This year I'm living in a smaller apartment, about 2 rooms in all. It's a step down from what I had with a roommate, but it's a shorter commute to school.
Thankfully, I have air-conditioning and can close a door and build my own little ice cube.

I started going to an international Baptist church this past February which is a pretty diverse group of backgrounds. Most are English teachers or international school teachers, so I'm in good company there.  Our pastor is a southerner too, from Georgia; I've even met some other Arkansans there! A little bit of the south in South Korea.

Since I've been back in Korea, I've been meditating on Colossians 1 quite a bit. There is a gold mine of truth in there in just the first chapter as Paul declares CHRIST to be all and the initiator and instigator of their salvation. This book has been precious to me since the year I spent in college under Jill Attebery as a mentor. She brought several of us into her home each week and we dissected and digested the book. I will never get over her amazement and speechlessness at the verses in chapter 2 that says

Reminds me of a Josh Wilson song with the line "trying to communicate eternity is like trying to put the ocean in a cup"
I came across this passage tonight and could vividly see and shared Jill's exclamation all over again.
What an amazing God we get the privilege to serve!

Looking forward to what's to come in year 3!