Sunday, August 18, 2013

Solid Theology in a song

There are so many songs out there claiming to be praise and worship music. But then you are singing something and you might ask yourself "Am I singing of God's praises or of something that just promotes humanity?"

I came across Sovereign Grace Music a few years ago and was surprised at the richness and depth of theology they sing.

I heard this song today at church and was not surprised that it was a Sovereign Grace Music song.

This song is called "Alive" and it expresses salvation's truth.

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The fun has ARRIVED!

So my room is ready to rock and roll with my Magnificent Seven kiddos for a Fun-tastic year of 3rd grade together. It started out like this

and after several days of rearranging and getting my bearings.....the finished product is.....

I am having a lot of fun getting to know my new room and the new gadgets I get to use. I am so thankful for a helpful staff that never gets tired of my countless questions. At the pre-field orientation I spent 2 weeks at this summer, one thing was said that I find VERY true now. Learning a new culture makes you feel like a toddler. I have felt that way so many times. I am so grateful for the grace given me here.

The kids arrived on Monday, and we had a nice LONG recess Monday afternoon- Haha....We had a half day. Tuesday and Wednesday were nice full days. Thanks to a Korean holiday, we have Thursday off!

I have 7 sweet kids that have made me smile down to my toes in the short time I've spent with them. One of my girls, when asked if she liked reading, says, "No, I don't like reading. I LOVE READING!"

One thing I have come to love about Korea is the constant reminder of Psalm 121. There are mountains in sight everywhere I have been over the last 2 1/2 weeks. I love the reminder that my eyes have to be on Christ.

 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
 He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
 indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
 The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
 the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
 the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

DRUM ROLL........


The classroom is coming along. So much better than what it started out as. The end is truly better than the beginning.

Pictures to come!


Friday, August 2, 2013

Week 1

I am in Korea. I am IN Korea. I AM IN KOREA!!!!
This was the progression of my thoughts upon landing last Saturday afternoon. In between thoughts of, "Oh my word, I'm tired" and "Its 2 am to me; 4 pm here" this was volleying back and forth in my head.
The flight to Seoul was long. 14 hours is a long time on a plane, but God blessed me with the ability to lay down and stretch out on the plane. I was the only one on my row and had PLENTY of leg room to myself! I am a huge fan of Korean Air!

The ride to what will be my home for the next two years was about an hour long, but the closer we got, the more I was longing for bed. Jetlag was not something I was looking forward to. But, I'd get to experience a worship service as one of my first experiences in Korea.

The past week has been full of a lot of everything-information, places, faces, foods, you name it.
One thing I needed to learn was the neighborhood. The school is about a five minute walk from my apartment.

These top 2 pictures are of one of the shady sidewalks I take to school. The bottom photo shows one of the growing rose bushes held up with a pink ribbon. Several along the road were held up to the gate behind it by a pink ribbon. Just thought it was interesting. :)

My classroom was one of the things that was a big questionmark to me. What would be waiting for me? Did I bring enough to get a new year started? How am I going to do this?
Well, little did I know what was waiting for me...
This picture does not do it justice. My needs were met and continue to be met as the days have gone by and I've gotten to dig through this abundance. God is good!

School starts August 12. My room does not look like the above anymore. :) Pray for me as I go through the second week of orientation and adjusting to the routines and procedures of a new school. There has been aa tremendous amount of support and encouragement. I feel the sense of family very strongly. One of my favorite things so far has been to sing songs of worship with the faculty and staff to start the day.

I am very excited to meet my students next weekend at the back to school picnic. Please pray with me as a new year starts for a good start. Pray that God would remind me daily of my purpose and focus.

More to come later!