I have seven wonderful students who are sources of delight and joy in my day. No two days have been the same, as is true in education no matter where you are in the world.
I have one particular student who has quickly become dear to me, and I would love to brag on God for how He filled a need in putting this student in my classroom. This little guy became a bright spot in my day very early in the year and I truly thank God for him.Since moving to Korea meant I would leave my comfort zone and everything familiar, I have experienced some aspects of fear and trepidation at starting life in a new country and not just at a new school. One thing I knew I would greatly miss was the hugs from some very sweet little darling girls who make me smile at their precious antics even through Skype messages and video chats. This student God put in my class has helped me in being apart from those I am close to by giving me multiple hugs each day. I'm talking five or six a day, and at lunch, he goes around a gives a hug to every teacher there. That is his love language and I am definitely blessed from his sweet hugs.
There have been days where I have thought I couldn't make another minute in this foreign land. I needed an escape for just a moment. I needed a chance to refocus on what God has put me here to do. In those moments, God would bring different things in my path to help refocus my mind and heart. Many times, the hugs from this sweet eight year old would do exactly that. Sometimes it has been to pop in the earbuds and go for a walk with some familiar tunes. Thanks to the purchase of a used bicycle, I've gotten the chance to get out and explore and refocus by a change of scenery. The mountains surrounding my neighborhood are constant reminders of the faithfulness of God. He is steadfast as the mountains, no matter the changing tide of the sin-saturated world we must navigate.
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
so the Lord surrounds his people
both now and forevermore.
~Psalm 125:1-2
Many people have asked me the same question lately, so you would think I'm getting better at answering it. I find though that my answer changes from day to day depending on what has been on my mind and heart. The question: "Are you homesick yet?" comes from many different people at a steady flow of late. I'm not saying it's a bad question or that I am irritated at being asked this.
Yes, I am homesick. There are precious people at home that I miss greatly because they are incredible examples of godly people that I love to surround myself with. My family and friends that mean so much to me are constantly on my mind and heart. I have nearly run after countless Koreans thinking I saw someone from home. The ridiculousness of that thought keeps me from gaining speed in my gait after them though.
As Thanksgiving gets closer, I find myself getting much more nostalgic about home sweet home and even thinking "the grass is greener" sort of thoughts. Thankfully, God has kept those thoughts in check as I remember again that heaven is that perfect place we should be longing for. Heaven is our home and we're just passing through.
But again....No, I'm not homesick. The moments I think these sort of thoughts are those moments where I am really involved with my students and with school activities. I love school and I really do love my school in Korea. I have been enveloped in care and kindness by this new family I find myself in.
I have had times of homesickness that any thought of home put me in tears or had me mentally replaying the video of classic memory after classic memory. I am eager to see my family and friends at home, and there are times where that feeling is strong, almost overwhelmingly strong. I am thankful that God has not let me wallow in those moments though. The structure of NICS is helpful too in that I am being watched out for and compassion is given to me in dealing with the new challenges of life overseas.
To answer the question above- Yes and No. equally. I do feel I am where God has me. That thought is utterly exciting and comforting.
Fall is here and Korea is B-E-A-UTIFUL in the fall! The trees are a lovely yellow and some oranges and reds.