Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I will trust YOU

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you" Matthew 6:33 gets quoted so quickly so frequently and yet I forget its meaning so much of the time.
Jesus spent a good part of Matthew 6 talking about worry. We worry in such a knee-jerk reaction to the issues of our lives.

No matter what "IT" is, worry is not supposed to be in the mindset of the believer. I find myself caught up in worry here and there with so many unknown factors about moving overseas. There is a fear that I will be boarding the plane to leave when something will come to mind that I have not taken care of yet. And that stresses me out just thinking of something catching me off guard!

Whatever it is-the long flight, the extra baggage fees, the language issues, culture shock, etc...I CAN NOT WORRY about it. That is only going to distance my mind from God and focus on the problem.
I must trust Him. He knows what He's doing; what's going on; what's coming up. He's got it in His hands. That Sunday school song can't be just a song from way back when. "He's got the whole world in his hands" has to be my song of remembering the good things my God has done.

I recently heard a Christian radio station DJ remind their listeners about worry: "Don't stress about it; God's got this"   In the simplicity of that statement, Matthew 6:33 came to mind. Jesus said in another part of that chapter, "Which of you by thinking about it can add one inch to his height?" Jesus knows our ploys in worry; we need to know that there is nothing positive going to come from it.
All a good worry session does is to provide an income for the makers of heartburn and indigestion meds.

"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

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