The mornings this week have provided cooler temperatures and a cooler start to our days, signifying fall is coming. Summer's end signifies a new season's birth; I have made it to a new chapter of my life in Korea. This is my home for the present time; it's a very exciting place to live and learn about.
This past Tuesday there was a concert at the stadium near my apartment complex. It was a lovely day for a concert too. A nice rainy, cold day for a concert. I could hear the sounds of the various genres very well from my tenth floor apartment.
It made some of my coworkers jokingly suggest that a sequel to "Close Encounters" was being filmed in Korea. We were serenaded into the evening with various styles, some I shan't dare attempt to identify.
Tomorrow marks 2 months of being in Korea. 2 months. TWO months of being away from my comfort zone, from all I once thought was the extend of my world. I catch myself thinking I'll see someone from home walking the streets of Uijongbu from time to time. I've nearly yelled out a name of someone who I "saw" but thought better of it and was not embarrassed by my impulsiveness.
Two months living away from home has been hard, especially over Korean Thanksgiving last week.
Chusok, the Korean version of Thanksgiving, was last week and gave us a 5 day weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed the time off and the extra rest, but with that came plenty of time to think. And think about the people closest to me is exactly what I did. And then came the tears. The homesickness hit me like a ton of bricks and the tears came and continued to come. I was very thankful for the long weekend to be here, but almost equally thankful for the chance to jump back into a regular week.
There are times, this past weekend being a big one of these specific times, when this is extremely hard. Hard in the fact that I don't know what to do to comfort myself except cry out to my God, EL ROI who never deserts me.
And then there are really awesome and amazing times where I have gotten to see some God-things. During Spiritual Emphasis week this week our school had over 30 reported salvations and another 30 seek out assurance of their salvation or take steps for discipleship.
The family aspect of this school has been another amazing component I am coming to treasure. People I barely know "moving" heaven and earth to help me out. Being reprimanded for not asking enough questions because my support system here is ready, eager, and willing to answer them without judgment or criticism. I am blessed to be among such servant-hearted believers.
And my MAGNIFICENT SEVEN! I have seven sweet kids that love on me everyday. They make me smile, challenge me, laugh with me and at me, and definitely keep me entertained. I have two students who daily ask me questions about spiritual things. These two are eager for an answer each time. I pray daily for the right words to give them the answers they seek.
One of my students is a hugger. One day he hugged me six times at least-before the day even started. On days where I am really needing that hug he seems to know that I do and basically tackles me to give me one. He's so cute and a sweetheart to boot.
Yesterday, we had a secondary student stop in the hall and just watch him as he was sharpening his pencil in our room. I noticed this student watching him from outside of our room and asked him about this. He said "Oh, she thinks I'm cute. I don't get it." :)
All in all, life in Korea is a day to day experience. I thank God every day for this opportunity to serve Him and have to remind myself to do what I can, in all the ways I can, for as long as I can, for the Great I Am.
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